Passport Points

Passport Points

Just a quick note to explain how the Passport Points and soon the New Points system on the will work.

  • Mileage Recorded by you on your passport with all fields completed is 100 points
  • Mileage entered into Ride 365 by Dirk Goodwin or the Service Department into RIDE 365
    • Points range from 25 - 200 depending upon miles you ride (this includes your passenger if HOG)
  • 50 points for visiting each of the BHHD Dealershipts with a total of 250 points
  • Every Ride Leader for Weekend Rides, Dinner Rides, and Sunday Rides earn 50 points for planning and setting up the event
  • Socials are all 20 points per occurence
  • Dinner Rides, Sunday Lunch Rides, and 4-Wheel Rides are 10 points per occurence
    • Line Leaders for these rides earn 25 points
  • Lunch Rides are 5 points per occurence
  • LOH Activities are 5 points per occurence
  • Additional Rides and Events are 20 points per occurence
    • Past Directors Ride (20 points per day)
    • HOG Rodeo
    • BHAB Rides
    • Participation in the 5 Dealership Ride
    • June / July / August / September Monthly Overnight Rides (20 points per day)
  • Participation Points Vary
    • Board Member and Members at Large are a minimum of 100 points
    • MSF Safety Class is 50 points (H-D reimburses you with a $50 gift card)
    • Group Riding Seminar is 50 points
    • Rally and Beer Cart Volunteering is 30 points per occurence
    • Shopping and Wrapping for the Elderly in December is 30 points each day
    • BHAB Stop Volunteer is 30 points

The points add up fast and every year your points accumulate. The more points you earn, year after year, earns you free gifts and each single years points earns you Discount Coupons at BHHD. You can earn Passport Patches, Glasses, Mugs, Jackets, and Yeti Like 30 oz. Mugs.

These Coupons, each year are earned based on these point values.

  • 250 - 499 points = 10% off Coupon
  • 500 - 749 points = 15% off Coupon
  • 750+ points = 20% off Coupon
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Posted by DIRKUS